How can I cancel my account?
Article ID: 188
Created On: 03 Aug 2011

If you would like to cancel your ViaTalk service plan, please submit a ticket to our Billing Department.

Be sure to include account verification, as well as a brief description of why you are electing to cancel your service.

ViaTalk provisioned equipment is free to you while you have an active account. If you elect to cancel, the leased equipment must be returned. If your account is canceled before the equipment has been received, a $50.00 Hardware Return Fee will be assessed.

Once you return the equipment, undamaged and in working condition, this fee is refunded. You may return the equipment to the following address:

ViaTalk Shipping Department
21 Corporate Dr. Ste 203
Halfmoon, NY 12065

Please note, if the equipment is received and it has been determined that it has been handled in a manner inconsistent with 'normal wear and tear,' you may not be eligible for a full refund of the Hardware Return Fee. An example would be equipment received with deep scratches, permanent marker, velcro, adhesive agents, etc.